Friday, March 25, 2011

Our father who art in heaven!... Paradise lost extract...

Hail holy light, ancestor of heaven, father of all dawning, empirial of hell, dark earl of light, bright heir of ancient night, first born of the eternal co-eternal beam, all mighty, all loving and all kind supreme; may I express thee unblamed? Since thou art light and never but in unapproached light dwelt from all eternity, dwell then within me; with all of thy bright effluence, oh bright essence increate. Or hearst thou rather pure ethereal stream whose fountain who shall tell. Before the sun and before the heavens thou wert, and at thy voice, as with a mantle didst invest; a rising world of waters dark and deep, won from the formless and void infinite: thee I revisit! Now with bolder wings, escaped the stygian pool though long detained in that obscured sojourne! while in my flight through utter and middle darkness borne, thus to the orphean lyre I sung; I sung of chaos and of eternal night! Taught me by the heavenly muse to venture down the dark descent and up to reascend: thrice potent, thrice radiant and thrice inflected! Though hard and rare, thee I revisit, safe! Yet not the more do I forget to wonder where muses haunt clear spring, or shady groove or sunny hill; smit with the love of sacred song! But chief thee sion! And the flowery brooks that wash beneath thy hallowed feet, and warbling flow; thee I revisit, nightly! Nor forget I sometimes, all those equalled with me in fate! Prophets old! So was I equaled with them in renown, then fed on thoughts that voluntary move harmonious numbers! As the wakeful bird sings darkling, and in shadiest covert hid tunes her nuctual note; thus with the year seasons return, but not to me returns day, or the sweet approach of even or morn, or sight of vernal bloom, or summer's rose, or flocks or herds, or human face devine, but cloud instead! And ever during dark surrounds me: cut off from the happy and cheerful ways of men, for the book of knowledge fair presented, with a universal blank on natures works. And wisdom... Wisdom at one entrance quite shut out! So much the rather thou celestial light shine inward, and the mind through all her powers irradiate; there plant eyes, thence all mist purge and disperse so I may see and tell of things invisible to mortal sight! Hail holy light ancestor of heaven! Father of all dawning! Imperial of hell! Dark earl of light! Bright heir of ancient night! First born of the eternal co-eternal beam! All mighty, all loving and all kind supreme! Shemhamforash!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The lords prayer!

Noster qui in inferni est sanctificetur nomen tuum!...

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Beautiful!... This girl is amazing, I mean... She gives me this deep intense feeling I can only describe as or compare to cosmosis!... Yes cosmosis!... The natural order, beauty and perfection in the infinite all... In the serene cool morning breeze... In the rigidity of the escarpments... In the warmth of the piercing rays of the sun... In the freedom of celestial bodies in their glory... In the cathartic blue of the deep and heights.... In everything else I never can or will mention... You let me see the sophistication in even the simplest details.... You let me embrace every bit of pleasure and pain life has offered me... You liberate my smile and laughter... when you smile and laugh... You make me wanna keep all that beauty and joy to myself.... Treasure it forever in my heart... That pretty face, that smile, that giggle.... Even better... Spread it across the sky and let the sun shine no more... So you can be my day and night.... My busy week... My four seasons... For it'd be way awesome to shower under the clouds of your love... Taste the fruit of your kindness... Swim in the pool of your strength... Lie on the greenest field of your tenderness... Savour the honey sweetness of your wisdom... Look at life through your eyes... Follow the perfect rhythmic pattern of your loving heart's beat... Give my sincerest daily praise on the shrine of your immaculance... for you are my soul's idol!... Star of my life!... Gravity of my affection!... Flame of my desires!... Fortune of my eyes!... Treasure of my heart!... Wish of my longings!... Crown and expectation of my labour and woe!... Goddess of my new religion!... ruler of my fair state!... it's impossible to fully express my affections with my formal logic and reason.... You deserve praise for every waking moment of our existence.... And this is just the prelude!... Beautiful!... If I didn't know better I'd say I love you... But instead I'll say I worship and adore you.. I'l continue to do for decades to come!..